Jason Sperske

I write a lot of software

Projects I have started

Fan Street Team (2013)

Fan Street Team (fan.st) brought the core idea of RadioMixtape back with a pure HTML5 Audio player, streamlined music encoding, and the ability to hide music tracks in physical spaces with the use of the JavaScript GeoLocation API

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XRAE (2007-2010)

XRAE is a risk assessment platform with a single questionnaire (with over 600 personal medical questions) and over 100,000 underwriting rules programmed in a web based authoring environment that assesses the health class for 13 leading insurance carriers. XRAE is used as a pre-screener for a growing list of insurance carriers as well as a customer manager for thousands of field agents.

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Degree Designer (2005-2007)

The Blue Jay Degree Designer is an automated advisement system that manages Student/Counselor communication, provides dynamic and interactive Ed Plan, Semester Plan and Schedule building as well as rich reporting of Student Trends, Success Analysis and Program Effectiveness.

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FastSchedule.net (2005-2007)

FastSchedule.net is a powerful web application that acts like a search engine for student schedules.

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Radio Mixtape (2007)

Radio Mixtape was a social music sharing service that enabled fans to express their musical identity with the songs that bands would host on their websites (A "Radio Mixtape" is a mixtape made up songs played on the radio).

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MixBox.mobi (2007)

MixBox.mobi took the sharing aspect of Radio Mixtape and made it available on mobile phones using a duel WML 1.0 and XHTML-MP (phones from 2002 to today), interface and email and SMS sharing.

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Projects I have worked on

GNLD (later rebranded as NeoLife) (2010-2013)

GNLD International LLC is an organization with over 500 employees and offices in 7 countries. I was the Director of Informaiton Systems at their world headquarters in Fremont, CA and designed and implemented thier gloabl GNLD.com (consumer facing website) and GNLD.net (distributor facing/back office website)

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Things I have done for no good reason


A Sound Test for as many games as I can find

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Collected and Restored Old Computers

My growing collecitons of PCs from the late 80's to the mid 2000's.

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A Python script that parses DOOM WAD files and renders them as SVG.

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A Python script that parses Duke 3D GRP files and renders as SVG.

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An implementation of the King's Quest engine in JavaScript using the <canvas> element.

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